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Schmidt bender ball cap

It would be different if the town coffers were broke and we were NOT giving all of our 2nd penny infrastructure money to play things. I have never understood how the rest of the town is being developed, always baffling to me.Īlso I have never lived in a place where you have to fix the sidewalk.

schmidt bender ball cap

Everything I need or want is within 10 minutes walking time. I already live downtown, but if I also worked downtown I would probably never leave or drive a car very often. This unfortunately does not apply to the developing areas which are 110% parking lot sprawl. The problem is SF doesn’t promote itself to ‘people’ it only promotes low taxes for businesses, and they think by bringing in these businesses they will bring in the people, just like flies are attracted to turds. I feel like I have a good perspective as I have lived in a handful of other states so here we go. I’m from the north east and was living in the deep south for about a decade so the Midwest and South Dakota were not on my radar at all. I honestly didn’t know this place existed before about a year and a half ago and I moved after one week of searching for a home. This is for all the people asking what it’s like to live here. I will touch on the finer points in the post It was refreshing to read real comments about it after this post.

schmidt bender ball cap

Sure they do stories about it, but they really don’t hammer on how serious it is.

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This was an interesting read, the thing that made me chuckle the most from their post and the comments is how much people are irritated by the political corruption in South Dakota, but you never hear much about how bad it is in the local media.

Schmidt bender ball cap